In the densely forested north of Austria, textile production has been a tradition for centuries.
Since 1908 the Austrian company framsohn frottier produces high-quality terry products in the picturesque Woodquarter Region in the North of Austria – the “Waldviertel” region.
Today’s company´s name framsohn frottier is named after the founder FRanz AMstetter & SOHN, which means Franz “the father” and his “son”.
Company founder Franz Amstetter is still known by framsohn connoiseurs.

As a family run business, framsohn frottier places particular emphasis on the connection between nature and people. Nowadays this is called sustainability. We, have always called it a sense of responsibility.
Having the production locally in Heidenreichstein, gives framsohn the advantage that the CO2 emissions are reduced by short transport routes.
A continuous quality control from the beginning to the end is possible and ecological parameters are influenced.
The particular soft water in Heidenreichstein helps us to weave incompably soft towels and dye them in an especially gentle manner.
The high quality of the water from the own spring enables an especially soft processing of the towels.

Being able to grow up and to be part of such a long tradition is something I highly honour. I am particularly pround, despite all these years, that our entire production takes place under one roof, just as in the beginning.
It is very important to us to produce our products in a natural way of softening. The foundation for this is the uniquely soft water in Heidenreichstein.
At framsohn, it is a living corporate philosophy to produce sustainably terry products in which economy, production optimization and environmental protection are not mutually exclusive but mutually supportive.
Over more than 100 years, the traditional Woodquarter Region based company framsohn frottier has developed into one of the most innovative and successful manufacturers of terry towels in Europe, where profitability, production optimization and environmental protection are not mutually exclusive but mutually supportive.
Ever since, the finest yarns made from natural materials have been processed and have its final touch exclusively in Heidenreichstein. The particularly soft water helps to weave incomparably soft towels and colour them in a gentle manner.

Hardly any chemicals are added to the water during processing at the factory and in all production steps.
This is not only gentle on the environment and the natural circulation of the water but also on the fibers of framsohn´s terry goods.
Contrary to it, fibers treated with chemicals break or fluff and do not last long.

framsohn frottier positions itself as a premium quality producer, is open to new technologies and has a special taste when it comes to colours and trends.
Through the use of special fibers, weaving techniques and equipment, the products of framsohn frottier are produced in a high quality.
The Quattro collection uses MicroModal® from Lenzing. These fibers are made of CO2 neutral beech wood tree fibers and are naturally and permanently soft.

framsohn frottier positions itself as a premium quality producer, is open to new technologies and has a special taste when it comes to colours and trends.
Through the use of special fibers, weaving techniques and equipment, the products of framsohn frottier are produced in a high quality.
MicroModal® from Lenzing can be found in the Botanic Deluxe and Quattro collections. These fibers are made of CO2 neutral beech wood tree fibers and are naturally and permanently soft.

The organic collection “Organic Nature” is a particularly sustainable collection and is made of GOTS certified organic cotton. In 2011, framsohn frottier was honored with the Trigos, an award for companies with a high commitment to CSR.
Austrian TRIGOS prize Award for sustainable economic activity
The TRIGOS is Austria´s award for responsible business and has been awarded since 2004. The award recognizes companies that play a leading role and set an example for responsible business practices and sustainability of the Austrian economy, society and the environment.
In 2011, framsohn frottier was awarded the “TRIGOS” Austria in the category “Market” for its regional, ecological and resource-efficient production as well as its social resposibility.